Our History

How it all started

Mission Statement

God’s Outdoor Angels Foundation is a 501c3 nonprofit organization established in 2021.  The organization was established to provide an outdoor experience for chronically/seriously ill children age 18 and under, or disabled veterans through fishing and hunting excursions. 


Our goal is to provide a safe and enjoyable trip of a lifetime, benefiting from the peace and beauty of the outdoors. We hope these excursions will offer some peace and relaxation to those suffering from trauma. 

As one of our participating veterans told us on one of our fishing trips I am like a hermit and only socialize with people that have been through what I have been through.” 

The fact that he was able to communicate that to us knowing that we have not been through what he has, says it all.  When we set up this foundation, we thought that if we could get disabled veterans or chronically/seriously ill children in an outdoor environment they would have time to enjoy life, have a conversation and a few laughs. 

So far, we see where it has.  We have been able to evaluate the effectiveness of our outdoor experiences through feedback from participants.  Sometimes just saying thank you to a veteran is enough, but we feel it is more important to show our appreciation for what they have done by providing this type of experience. 

Business Plan

God’s Outdoor Angels was formed by two friends. They were having a conversation one day about how to provide fishing trips for disabled children. One of the friends had worked as a guide. He had taken a few kids on hunting and fishing trips and wanted to do more.  He also shared a story about a gentleman that was hit by a drunk driver years ago and as the result of that accident is now a quadriplegic.  He was one of the hunting guides at Record Buck Ranch in Texas at the time and was asked if he would be the guide for a quadriplegic hunter. He said absolutely!

They had a very successful hunt and have been friends ever since.   The rest is history.  This experience for them was something he wanted to expand on.  After sharing this story, they agreed to expand their outreach to chronically/seriously ill children or disabled veterans. Over a period of a couple weeks, they did some research on how to get incorporated and file for nonprofit status.

On February 18th 2021 God’s Outdoor Angels became incorporated in the State of Oklahoma and at the same time filed with the IRS for 501c3 nonprofit status. They filed having four volunteer board members, The board members will be staffing the Foundation.

There will be no paid employees. One hundred percent of the donations go towards the fishing and hunting trips.

On May 25th 2021 they received confirmation that the 501c3 nonprofit status was approved.  God’s Outdoor Angels Foundation’s EIN # is 86-2169867.


Through the support of our partners and sponsors, God’s Outdoor Angels Foundation can continue to provide children and veterans with life changing chartered fishing trips and guided hunting excursions.